Your Finances At The Service Of Your Life

No matter what we think of this health crisis, it has had the usefulness of putting back at the center what was necessary for us.

You may have felt that too. You love your life, but this quest for meaning has surfaced unexpectedly! New ideas, or well-buried project ideas have resurfaced.

But in this anxiety-provoking period, when we don’t know what the future will hold, how can we get back on the right foot, after years of routine and habits?

Because by having healthy finances, financial security, you allow yourself to focus on what really matters to you , on the things that are most valuable to you.


Money is a means, not an end. With all the money you have, what do you want to do? What do you want to contribute?


Clear goals have a maximum completion date and a set amount.

This information allows you to distinguish fact from fantasy.

Are your goals achievable? Do you already have the means to achieve your dreams?


Retrieve your account statements for the last 12 months and classify each expense by category:

  • What you think is NECESSARY: rent/loan, electricity, water, insurance, taxes, etc.
  • For all that is not necessary: ​​classify them in one of its categories:
  • leisure and pleasure activities: gym membership, restaurants, outings
  • education: purchases to train you: books, training, seminars, software
  • Unforeseen expenses that required a large sum: replacement of a computer, a car, household appliances, etc.
  • investments: expenses made to invest, or save: on the stock market, in real estate, placed on a PEL, CEL, etc.


And let go of these blocking beliefs.

You don’t see what I’m talking about?

  • Money can not buy happiness
  • Time is money
  • The rich are selfish
  • The poor are lazy

In any case, these negative thoughts, also called beliefs, prevent you, without knowing it, from advancing towards your goals, from having the life you deserve, from living the life of your dreams!

Our relationship with money is so irrational that it is difficult for us to accept other truths and to say to ourselves that our thoughts, our surroundings, our environment, our values, have deceived us!

Indeed, our relationship to money depends on multiple criteria.

  1. Surroundings more or less close, environment in which we grew up.
  2. If you are a man or a woman.
  3. The generation in which we were born: an 18-year-old today does not have the same concerns as a person who went to war at 18.
  4. Our religion. In some religions, money is seen as a vice, while in others it helps people to help themselves and others.
  5. And many other cultural and socio-economic aspects.

Without feeling guilty, because financial education is not done at school or by our entourage, if we want to take the next step, it is important to follow the following steps:

  • The first step is to identify your beliefs,
  • Then accept them
  • Then replace them with more positive beliefs, which will bring you satisfaction.

At each stage, its method. When it comes to beliefs, it can take several months, even years, before you finally mourn your beliefs and move on to your new life.

For my part, it took me almost 2 years before I understood that my relationship with money was not necessarily healthy, to accept it, then to change my state of mind and modify my behavior!

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