These can be personal or professional boundaries. They are often linked to our fears, to what people think of us. For example, when I think of my limits, they are rather sporty. Since college, I have always been the last chosen to join the teams. Fear of the ball, fear of speed, fear of hurting myself. I thought that, no matter what, I was always bad at sport, without any strength. Now, when I have just spent 3 months demolishing the interior of a 125 m2 house, before renovating it, I tell myself that I was very wrong. For 3 months, I broke down walls, carried rubble, demolished partitions. It was then that I realized that the only limits I had were those given to me. The important thing is to know your limits. By testing them, in particular.
But here I will talk about specific limits. These are financial limits . Indeed, over the meetings, I realize that, even if entrepreneurs are committed to earning a living with their activity, few have the appropriate state of mind, ready to receive abundance. So they row, they toil, they prevent themselves from earning more: don’t want to pay VAT, don’t want to exceed the tax threshold, don’t want to make umpteenth declarations, etc. etc.
Whatever their reasons, what saddened me is to see that this could limit them in their objectives , without their being aware of it.
In this article, I repeat to you the importance of having a good state of mind, of having the right mindset , of knowing your own limits, and therefore, of knowing yourself.
The goal here is not to define your limits, but rather to realize that we all have them. And that these can sometimes prevent us from achieving our results, our returns on investments and even our dreams .
For example, some entrepreneurs and/or employees have in mind that Business has an unhealthy side. There is a strong negative connotation with money: “money is dirty”, “money gives power”, “money destroys my art”.
Annoying for them. Do you understand why? Otherwise, here is the answer.
You launch your business, with a perspective that it brings you a minimum because you believe in it. Except that this “minimum” is not suitable because it does not allow you to live, or even to survive. However, you really want to make it your main activity, that it allows you to live. But that implies that it brings in money. But if you see money with a negative connotation, deep down, it will be difficult for you to earn money, because you will go against your thoughts.
Do you see the thing? The snake biting its tail? You are limited by your way of thinking !
You are now convinced that you have limits yourself and that you have always considered them to be “normal”.
You are lucky because the Net is full of many articles, videos, trainings, seminars that will help you.
To do this, just type “limiting beliefs” on Google.
But the most important phase, once this belief system has been assimilated, is to be ready to transform your limiting beliefs . They must be changed into positive beliefs that will lead you to the expected result.
To make your business as profitable as possible, you must be willing to accept that money is not evil. Even if you win a lot, you are not likely to pass for someone bad, mean, cheating.
And this reasoning is the same whatever your position!
Without this passage to action, to transformation, to change, it will be difficult for you to go further.
For my part, I made a radical change that led me downright to change my life.
What is it?
My limiting belief: To earn a good living, you have to find a good job in a big company.
I am not the only one, I imagine, to operate on this reasoning.
Who says “good job”, says “well paid”. Thus, you have a good future assured.
For 10 years, I had no trouble with this belief. But after 10 years of good and loyal service, I didn’t feel well, there was a hiccup.
Where it limited me: As the Quebecois would say, my life had become “ flat”.
So I decided to do something. It took me 1 year to decide / find what:
I was going to go into entrepreneurship!
My new belief, the one that replaced my limiting belief: A salaried job is not the only possibility to be fulfilled. I can flourish by creating my own position that corresponds to my own values.
By knowing my old limit, and especially by replacing it with a new belief, my life has changed! In a good way of course. I would even say more, it allows me to tell myself that “Yes, it is possible to live the life of my dreams”.
So the important thing for you is to tell yourself that if you’re missing a little something, if you can’t get the promotion you dream of, it’s surely that deep down inside you, there’s has a sticking point.
It’s not the fault of your colleague, your boss. On the contrary, you may be afraid of saying no, afraid of the hierarchy, afraid of a position of responsibility, afraid of not succeeding, afraid of failing, etc., etc.
And these beliefs are not necessarily related to money, they can be of any kind: you don’t like working in a team, you don’t want to manage people, etc. Identifying these and agreeing to replace them takes time.
Are you on a “limiting belief hunt”, to discover your limits? If so, please let me know in the comments. Otherwise, it’s also OK.