Savings Tips for Students

College is not cheap. And due to rising tuition fees, tuition fees are rising every year. Today it is important for students to find ways to save money. Here are some easy ways students can save money without putting in a lot of work:

• Make your own coffee. If you buy coffee somewhere on a college campus, you’re wasting money. Buy a coffee maker, or even a small espresso machine, make your own coffee and pack it in a thermos to take with you. You will save a lot of money in the long run.


• Do not buy bottled water. Bottled water costs a lot of money. Instead, you can filter your own water. Instead of bottled water, buy a Brita or Nalgene or Sigg bottle and drink filtered tap water.


• Learn how to dine on campus for the least money. Find sales, discounts and deals during happy hour.


• If you are a student, buy computers and software with a student discount. Apple, Adobe, and Microsoft are just some of the companies that offer student discounts. Before you buy anything online, check which company has the best deal.


• Find an alternative to Microsoft Office to use. has a word processor and other programs that work with Microsoft Office programs.


• Only buy second-hand books. There are many places online to find used textbooks. Start with or


• Lend books. It is likely that a friend of yours has already taken this course and has a book that you need.


• Give away books. Take a class with someone you know. Share this book and pay together.


• Visit the library. Most colleges have textbooks on hand that can be put on hold for the time being. However, it is possible that these books have been loaned out, so they are not always available. Plan ahead and copy the pages you need.


• Check your local newspaper for free upcoming events. There may be free concerts, craft fairs and festivals. If you attend any of these free activities, please bring your own food and drink.


• Find furniture at thrift stores. If you look in the right place, you can find a lot of second-hand furniture for a fraction of the price. Don’t give up searching until you find what you’re looking for. You can also find “soft” clothes and other items there.


• Discover what a Student Travel Discount Card (STA) can do for you. This is useful if you are going abroad.



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