How to have a good relationship with money?

A state of mind, on a blog supposed to talk about investment and enrichment? Weird, weird. Nay! I have already touched on this point several times because it is important, before investing, to make sure that our relationship with money is healthy .

You think you have no problem with money? Perfect, you will pass the questionnaire without stress.

Do you have a sudden doubt about your relationship with this one? Don’t panic, you’ve come to the right place to check this.


Who has never heard of the great lottery winners who, a year after winning, find themselves.

There are several reasons for this. The first, obvious, they spent everything to show off. The 2nd, less obvious, they get bored when they are alone so they go back to work. And the main reason: we forgot to train them! Train on what? About money management!

Because, as I have already mentioned several times, financial education does not take place at school. It may have happened at home if your parents always talked to you openly about money without darkening the picture. But this is rarely the case. However, a good financial education is the key to maintaining a good relationship with money! So, these big winners, regardless of their age, gender, earnings, are also not ready to have so much money in such a short time. Spending out of your mind or, on the contrary, hiding for fear of being robbed on every street corner, everyone has their own behavior… linked to their own habits and beliefs with regard to money.


Without financial education, it is difficult to cope with this sudden gain. Because one thing is missing above all: the “mindset”. If your mindset is not in line with your new millions, it will become difficult to keep them. But in the end, no matter how much you have, it’s your financial education, your relationship to money that determines your profile: spendthrift or thrifty .

So winning or not the Euromillion, regardless of the amount in your account, you will have to, before training in the different types of investment, make sure that you are not afraid of money. You must be sure that you do not consider him the enemy of the world. You have to love and cherish it to make sure it comes into your life 😉

The Comfort Zone And Money

This is “normal”. For example, you are in your comfort zone when you go shopping every Sunday morning in your neighborhood.

But, if for one reason or another, you have to change markets then, in this case, you will be stepping out of your comfort zone. Stepping out of your comfort zone is often felt to be uncomfortable, a bad thing . In the previous example, you will have to find another location. You don’t know where, you don’t know if you’ll be able to park, you don’t know if you’ll find the products you like. Then this situation becomes uncomfortable.


is this that has forged your state of mind, your beliefs, your values ​​and your habits.

If you have the opportunity to expand your comfort zone with a higher income, for example, then you may subconsciously return to the initial situation where you felt good.

Your comfort zone, your beliefs, can also lead you to believe that having “too much” money is unhealthy. It’s good to earn a living, but not too much because money is the root of all evil. This may explain why you are unable to exceed this level which is dear to you.

Many other reasons explain our reactions in situations related to money, good or bad. 


This first analysis should give you a first idea of ​​your mindset, that is to say your state of mind, your relationship with money.

I have noticed, during my 8 months of learning, that this analysis is too often neglected , even completely forgotten in the various personal finance books.

However, it is crucial in order to move forward serenely on the path to financial freedom and investment in particular.

Indeed, we all think that we have no problem with money. We assume that we are right and that our beliefs about money are the right ones. So we never question them. But on the other hand, you wonder why you never get what you really want.

That’s why I decided to go into this topic in more detail. Indeed, I myself went through it, wondering why the money did not come in as much as I would have liked. I discovered that unconsciously, I had a ceiling limit not to be exceeded . I had been conditioned to make a good living. But on the other hand, I shouldn’t ask too much either, it was inappropriate.



No matter your age, your religion, your city, whether you seek simplicity or abundance, if you do not admit that money is necessary in our world, then chances are you will face difficulties to make your money grow , no matter the amount.

This is why knowing your relationship to money should become your #1 priority.

Because I noticed that many people are ready to invest and ask or advice (this is obviously a good point). But what they don’t see (yet) is that, if until now they had never invested when they had the means to do so, there is probably a more important reason than they imagine.

It is time to identify and analyze these reasons. It takes time, patience and above all to accept to change what has not worked so far . For me, it took me many months, even a year. But now I’m ready to welcome my Dollars, my thousands of Dollars, my millions of Dollars.

So I’m ready to guide you and help you do the same based on my own experience as well as that of the experts.

Were you surprised by the results of the questionnaire or rather satisfied?

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