How to Control Spending and Save Money?

It seems like a difficult task, but today we are going to show you that it is easier than you think.

That’s because it’s all about greater financial organization in your life, prioritizing what really matters and leaving superfluous expenses aside, at least for a while until things get in order.

Here in our content we have already brought several tips on how to pay off debts, control your spending through spreadsheets and prioritize your salary for essential expenses.

So we know very well what we are saying.

Creating an expense control spreadsheet, investing and taking care of your money more

Use an Expense Control Worksheet

Start by creating a monthly expense control spreadsheet, where you will have greater control over what goes in and out of your pocket.

Having the details of what goes in at the beginning of the month and as it goes out, you can better notice your expenses, gives you greater visibility on your salary.

Here in our content we have already brought several tips on how to assemble one of these spreadsheets, bringing tips on methods and formulas applicable to your salary.

But, if you want something more modern, there are several financial apps that help you better understand and separate your salary by sector, just like spreadsheets do.

The differential of these applications is that they show performance graphs in greater detail. That way, you have more information about your expenses.

In an expense control spreadsheet, you can usually distribute your salary into three sectors. So:

  • 50% on essential expenses, such as water, electricity, rent and food;
  • 35% in short-term and long-term investments, such as changing your car and building a stock portfolio aiming at your financial freedom;
  • The remaining 15% is for leisure, such as having a beer, watching a movie or buying a pizza.

This is just an example and can be adapted according to your salary and expenses, and can even place greater emphasis on your investments or essential expenses. Keep reading!

start investing

After all, when a person starts investing, he can even become addicted to the practice.

How to control spending and save money? Start investing. So, when you least expect it, you will be increasing the value of your monthly contributions, whether in shares or even in government bonds issued by the Treasury Direct.

That way, the little you had saved will have become a larger amount and that will probably be yielding you good results, such as monthly dividends.

clear your name

Cleaning your name is another indispensable tip on how to control expenses and save money, after all, no one deserves to always have a dirty name and indebtedness.

This is almost half of the entire population, which ends up portraying a little of the current situation in the country: people in debt and without money to pay the bills.

That way, when you clear your name, you end up helping to control your expenses and save money, as less money will be going out to pay your debts.

The secret is not to do other bills while you are paying the current ones. Then create an emergency reserve that corresponds to 6 months of your salary.

If you are self-employed, this value rises to 12 months. After that, start investing. These and other tips we bring in our special publication on how to pay off debt. It is worth checking!

Separate the Money into a Different Account

Our last tip on how to control spending and save money is to separate your leftover money for an account other than the one you use in your daily life. But why?

It turns out that no matter how much you dedicate yourself to the task of saving, you can end up giving in to the temptation to buy something at an inopportune moment. So if the card or cash is nearby, it’s gone!

Create a digital account at a bank and keep your money there, and never carry the card with you.

In this way, in a short time your “reserve” will be bigger, saving your money and being able to reinvest it in some shares or public securities of the Direct Treasury.

How to control spending and save money? Commit to change and start as soon as possible!

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