Five Ways Fiverr Can Help You Become a Copywriter

I can’t draw, I can’t read tarot cards, and I can’t understand family trees. My real girlfriend would be very angry and confused if I hire myself as a Facebook girlfriend for strangers. I am also afraid of fire. But selling my services (called “gigs”) on Fiverr for a while has given me work and a little bit of secondary income for my portfolio. I also met some interesting and downright weird characters, and a lot more to watch. Here’s my take on how Fiverr can help you build a career as a copywriter.

1. Build your confidence:

You can be whoever you want to be on Fiverr. Links to personal websites are not allowed. Username is used, not real name. You can set up a 300 word article or blog post for $5 and people will come and pay you. That’s how I arranged it, and so far I’ve written about the Houston school system, how to brew beer at home, and various city guides. A gentleman once asked me to write a copy of a device he sold called a “personal bioprotector,” a little green thing that users put on their bodies to prevent damage from electrical equipment. Destructive signals interfere with their minds. Essentially a tinfoil hat in a box.

You can set up a gig product to write a press release or rewrite a copy. People will buy your gig because they have the opportunity to risk $5 for an unknown amount, and if your work is the best, then you have a role model that you can take to another market.

2. Start Your Wallet:

You write a flashy copy that makes your mother swoon. cool. big. But wait. Potential customers want to see portfolios. Fiverr can help you. I have set up a gig product to write web copy. I’ve written direct sales emails for used RV showrooms, flyer copies for Marillion cover band (Similarillion), and dozens of cell phone product descriptions. When I’m looking for a new freelance job, I put it first because it’s a quantitative proof of my writing skills. Even if you only sell one of these gigs a week, sharpening your style and putting it in your portfolio is still a new task.

3. Learn How To Sell Yourself:

A great tip for finding buyers is to check out Fiverr’s buyer requests. If you’re writing a press release, type those words into the search bar and dozens of press releases will pop up. Bring your performance to the attention of buyers at the click of a button. Fiverr only allows you to send auto-generated generic replies to these requests, but the solution I’ve found is to go to your Fiverr inbox and find the auto-generated email, then follow up in your send your own words explaining why you should be. people doing the work.

4. Earn Money:

Funds flow through Fiverr instead of pouring in. Even someone who sells “I’ll show you a foolproof way to make a best-selling gig for $5” only sells a dozen. The bushels from my Fiverr gig paid for my meals. I tend to see my Fiverr work more as an investment in the future. For example, if I felt like they would have a future job for me, I would take a low paying job and give the buyer more money. A low-paying web copy I did through Fiverr led me to my first paid freelance job, and the developers in question are still emailing me asking for copies. I hope this will be an ongoing matter. What started as low-paying jobs has now transformed into high-paying jobs outside of Fiverr.

5. Get Referrals:

When buyers are satisfied with your service, they leave warm compliments that will make your little heart glow. is not it great? Don’t be shy and put it on your website. Let others know how happy you have made previous customers.

Fiverr will not make you rich. You will find yourself doing a lot of work for little reward. If like me you want to become a copywriter, this is a great place to test the waters and do some work for your portfolio. If you’re serious and developing your skills, you could probably top Fiverr, but it’s not a bad place to start.


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